Monday, January 25, 2010

Unintentional. Or was it?

So last night (or morning.. po-ta-to.. po-tah-to.. yadda yadda)
i was on the phone with a very dear friend of mine and through the course of the conversation i was forced (mind you, FORCED) to acknowledge the fact, that more often than not, how you remember certain things is not how they actually happened.
and now to some people that may not seem like a big deal. after all it happened right? no way of changing that... but to me it's never that simple.
Coz of course it matters as to how i remember it. how many times have i played that same memory over and over again in my mind, and sighed at its absolute perfectness? and now almost a year and a half later, you're seriously trying to tell me that thats not what happened?
and that too, not because i misread the situation and was naive enough to react the way i did, but because YOU withheld information form me.
now that is what i call wrong. not just on principal, but that too.
More than anything else, i think that when there exist a situation where there is more than just you involved, isnt it only right and normal to tell the other person what exactly happened, rather than wait for a year and A HALF and then drop it into a conversation like your talking about bloody breakfast????
its people like this that deserve to NOT know stuff. especially stuff that alters peoples opinion about them.